This patch features: 1) Support for passive GET (GET of DCC with port 0) 2) Support for passive SEND (dcc send passive nick filename) 3) Support for passive CHAT. As for the folder, irssi normally won't save DCC downloads outside of a jail it imposes. This tutorial goes through some of the more advanced features specific to the default chat client irssi irssi folder. The server is on the port 0 with the command: dcc server I have no idea of its use, so I would like to close it. How can I close the DCC server? org Script Repository for Irssi You signed in with another tab or window. Reload to refresh your session. Thank you for downloading irssiwin from This package includes Perl scripting support, and is a modified, updated version of the irssi. When on, dccautoresume will cause irssi to look for existing files with the same name as a new DCC transfer. If a file already exists by that name, irssi will try to resume the transfer by appending any new data to the existing file. Downloading Files from IRCXDCC Bot of packlists you may have in your download folder before requesting a over to the options, and select the DCCtab. A Guide to Efficiently Using Irssi and Screen. Irssi is a textonly IRC client. It does not get in your way and its commands are intuitive and useful. collection of scripts for irssi. This script sets dccownip when starting a DCC send or chat dccmove Move completed dcc gets to the subfolder done dccself. irssidocs Indepth documentation of the Irssi IRC Client Irssi is located in the 'n' folder of Slackware mirrors where by help is found by issuing the command. help dcc would bring up information on the dcc commmand. Irssi is written in the C programming language and in normal operation uses a textmode user interface. According to the developers, Irssi was written from. Jul 04, 2009I'm totally newbie to using IRC's DCC to transfer files. I'm a little disappointed that the thing I've been downloading transfers really slow. I already tried Irssi, How do I do Xdcc downloads on the command line? You need to dcc get botname; or set dccautoget to on. I am using irssi client for IRC chat and I would like to know how to configure the. irssiconfig file How do I configure irssi? Using IRSSI and XDCC downloading over DCC we will be using a plugin called Now that we're in the. irssi folder we need to find out. Two vulnerabilities were reported in Irssi. A remote user can cause the target application to crash. Autodlirssi will help you download and seed the you like before the majority of the tracker users and will allow you Save to watch folder; Watch. I am running a raspberry pi 2 model b with raspbian jessie lite (kernel 4. I just set it up yesterday and ran a sptget update upgrade. A vulnerability classified as problematic has been found in irssi up to. This affects an unknown function of the component DCC File Handler. The server is on the port 0 with the command: dcc server I have no idea of its use, so I would like to close it. How can I close the DCC server? 8 The auto option specifies that this server is automatically connected at startup. (or if you don't want queries to dcc chats. Is there a way to display the progress of a DCC file transfer in the statusbar in irssi. collection of scripts for irssi This is a collection of scripts for the irssi IRCclient. irssiscripts and in irssi do script load script. Roadmap for Version is to get some feedback and cleanup. Feb 26, 2003Is there a way to display the progress of a DCC file transfer in the statusbar in irssi. Perl Irssi scripting: rename invalid DCC file. register signal of incoming ctcp 'DCC SEND before anything else msg dcc send. Irssi Basics To start up irssi, To accept a dcc send: dcc get nickname where nickname is the name of the person you are accepting the send from. I'm having trouble getting irssi, the irc client, to write to a mounted cifs share. I have the uid, and gid set to my user as well as setting the permissions on the