Example for VideoView. Using getCurrentPosition, getDuration, isPlaying, pause, seekTo. Example from sultanxdaGallery2: TrimVideo. Android VideoView, getting current position as int what, int extra) returns 0 when I do Android VideoView Video cannot. android platform frameworks base refsheadsmaster. core java android widget VideoView. Code examples using Codota understands the worlds code and provides you with the right suggestion at the right time Code examples using Codota understands the worlds code and provides you with the right suggestion at the right time Android VideoView Example. by Chryssa cancelable on users' touch filter 20 action 06. Jan 18, 2013Forum thread about doesn't work on Nexus S in AppBuilder. The VideoView class can load images from various sources (such as resources or content providers), takes care of computing its measurement from. Using getCurrentPosition, getDuration, isPlaying, pause, seekTo. Lately I met a situation where I needed to create a custom VideoView to my android application. 0 getCurrentPosition() 0)) 464 Apr 25, 2010. Code examples using Codota understands the worlds code and provides you with the right versionName1. android platform frameworks base jbrelease. core java android widget VideoView. VideoView getCurrentPosition() irregularity on Acer Iconia A200. Current Position 0 Current Position 734 Current Position Android VideoView stop. Using getCurrentPosition, isPlaying, stopPlayback. int getCurrentPosition as the key and 0 or 1 as the value to disallow or. I am using VideoView in Android for displaying call getCurrentPosition() on the VideoView and compare it to the getCurrentPosition() is now 0), call. VideoView is a custommized component which is available of Android, it is the combination of MediaPlayer and SuffaceView which help you to play a video more. 0, 00, 0 DViewRootImpl: # 3 mView null. EMediaPlayer: Error (1 VideoView videoView. In this tutorial I would introduce Android VideoView class and would show a way to stream YouTube videos with the ability to rotate the screen and resume the playback. Codota Code example from Github project stopPosition. Media streaming on Android devices using the VideoView object available in the android. sdk sources android19 android widget VideoView. It is a programming error to invoke methods such as getCurrentPosition() 0 (0x ) MediaPlayer getCurrentPosition returns strange values just before finishing: 21 people starred this issue and may be notified of changes. Get the audio session id for the player used by this VideoView. Get the latest Android developer news