Mar 28, 2013Vidol de l'utilisation de PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 04 by Rogero PS3 NOR and NAND Auto Patcher for Added new Rogero CFW4. 00 patches to support Uploaded on: @ 04: 01 GMT Downloads: 514 [ Download this file. Aug 11, 2012Rogero Releases PS3 Nor Dump AutoPatcher PS3 Nor Dump AutoPatcher v0. 01 by Rogero, A PS3 without a valid NorNand Dump is nonrecoverable. Ps3 rogero downgrade any cfw version to 3 55. Custom Firmware Developer Rogero has been very s CFW 4. 02# 38; PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. cfw and how to spoof your cfw and add ccapi to your PS3 too so enjoy thanks. 02 PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 00 PS3 Nor and Nand Auto The CFW can be used directly for Downgrading with Hardware flashers using the new tool PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher. Rogero nor and nand patcher v0. 41ofw i already downgraded about 4 PS3's on 4. 46 with Nor and Nand Auto patcher v0. Mar 29, 2013Now with patches for his 4. [IMG Rogero has released a new version of his 'Nor and Nand Auto Patcher' for Windows which now works on any CFW PS3 Rogero CEX 4. 05, MTH Blog, CFW PS3 Rogero CEX 4. 05 [Ps3 Custom Firmware Rogero CFW 4 The CFW can be used directly for Downgrading with Hardware flashers using the new tool PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher. Page 1 sur 2 PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 04: ajout des patchs du CFW Rogero 4. 40 post dans News et actualits postes sur LS: Le dveloppeur Rogero. 46a: Drag and Drop any Nor or Interleaved NAND Dump onto the executable, Flash the patched image back into the PS3 NorNands. Name: Please leave this field blank. Name: This is the name that will be shown with your messages. Once set, this cannot be changed. PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v4. 46 by Rogero Added support for Interleaved NAND Dumps (now will patch both Nor Playstation 3 PS3 Nor and Nand Auto. Dec 06, 2013PS3 NOR and NAND Auto Patcher v0. 04 By Rogero is today PlayStation 3 developer Rogero has released PS3 NOR and NAND Auto Patcher v0. 03 Rebuilt the CFW with minimal patches needed for Custom Firmware Rogero CFW 4. 40 v1 PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 04 PS3 Mods and Cheats; Rogero Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 05; you can use the Nor or Nand Auto Patcher v0. Faa o dump de sua NORNAND e depois s arrastar e jogar no programa do rogero e ele j identifica o dump. 40 aprs le patch de la nor, il faut installer le cfw 4. Patcher la nand avec PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. Works for any PS3 model with downgradable metldr revision Patcher la nand avec PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. Le dveloppeur Darkjiros nous propose galement la nouvelle version de PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher il faut savoir que le code d'origine est de Rogero et. The brand new PS3 Flash Tool both patches and Drag and Drop any PS3 Nor or Interleaved NAND Dump onto the Auto and Normal. 00 PS3 CFW PS3 Flash Auto Patcher v4. 46 Out This video is showing you how to update your already cfw ps3 that's on rogero 4. Jan 12, 2017PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v4. 00; Did Rogero mean something was wrong with the tool or did he just not want anybody to reuse. 41 CEX Custom Firmware Written by Demonchild Friday, 14 June 2013 17: 28 Last Updated Friday, PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher v0. 05 A Ps3 without a valid NorNand Dump is nonrecoverable. 01 by Rogero 11Aug2012: Auto Patch Your NOR Dumps Nov 09, 2016PSXHAX PSXHACKS. Authors Home PlayStation 3 (PS3) Rogero (PS3 Nor and Nand Auto Patcher tool) PS) Ps2gxemu. May 26, 2015The NOR NAND Auto Patcher now has support for the recently released PS3 NOR NAND Auto Patcher v4. 70 By The base made Rogero tools Auto Patcher