Raynaud's Phenomenon Topic There are no tests that can show that you have Raynaud's. But your doctor may do a blood test or other tests to rule out diseases. Raynauds phenomenon is a common condition that affects the Your GP can help determine whether you have primary or secondary Raynaud's by examining your. If your doctor suspects you have Raynauds phenomenon, she will ask you some questions about. This why our editors have created a list of the best Raynauds gloves. Do you suffer from Raynauds syndrome? It can be a very painful and frustrating. You May Be Suffering From Raynauds Disease also called Raynauds syndrome or simply Raynauds, is a common condition that affects around 200, 000 Americans. How can the answer be improved. Women are more likely than men to have Raynaud's disease, also known as Raynaud or Raynaud's phenomenon or Secondary Raynaud's. Also called Raynaud's phenomenon. Raynaud's disease or Raynaud's phenomenonsmall arteries temporarily cramp up, leading to decrease in blood supply Frequently Asked Questions; About Us. exists when there does not appear to be an underlying disorder. The terms Raynauds Phenomenon, Raynauds Syndrome or. People who have Raynauds see color changes in their fingers, and sometimes their toes, when they feel cold or experience stress. Raynaud syndrome, also known as Raynaud's phenomenon, is a medical condition in which spasm of arteries cause episodes of reduced blood flow. Information for patients with Raynauds phenomenon: what it is, common causes, getting diagnosed, treatment options, and tips for living with the condition. Jan 25, 2014Do You Have Raynaud's Syndrome? Join friendly people sharing 29 true stories in the I Have Raynaud's Syndrome group. Find forums, advice and chat with. Raynaud's phenomenon symptoms and signs include the fingers turning white after exposure to temperature changes or emotional events. Dec 28, 2016I have the cure for Raynauds. Posted 27 March 2013 at 23: 34. Let me tell you I had full blown Raynaud's. Is Raynaud's phenomenon always appearing in. Mar 21, 2014Raynaud's How Is Raynaud's Diagnosed? or secondary Raynaud's (Raynaud's phenomenon) often diagnose and treat Raynaud's. May 05, 2010Consults How Serious Is Raynauds Phenomenon? then you probably do not have true Raynauds phenomenon. Raynaud's sometimes is called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon. The disorder is marked by brief episodes of vasospasm (VAsospazm), which is a narrowing of the blood vessels. Vasospasm of the arteries reduces blood flow to the fingers and toes. In people who have Raynaud's, the disorder usually affects the fingers. Oct 30, 2016Raynauds phenomenon is a condition that affects your blood vessels. If you have Raynauds phenomenon, you have periods of time called attacks. Raynaud's phenomenon can Diagnosis. Raynaud's phenomenon can Further testing is usually recommended to find out whether you have primary or secondary Raynaud. Buy Do you have Raynaud's Syndrome? com Cold temperatures or stress can cause parts of your body, mainly fingers and toes, to numb, chill and possibly turn colors if you have Raynaud's disease. When you have Raynaud's Disease you experience a hyper reaction to cold temperatures or touching a cold item Secondary Raynaud's or Raynaud's Phenomenon. Do I have Raynaud syndrome quiz. Do I have Raynaud syndrome quiz. Raynaud's disease and Raynaud's phenomenon are rare disorders that. Mar 21, 2014Raynaud's sometimes is called a disease, syndrome, or phenomenon. The disorder is marked by brief episodes of vasospasm (VAsospazm), which is a narrowing of the blood vessels. Vasospasm of the arteries reduces blood flow to the fingers and toes. In people who have Raynaud's, the disorder usually affects the fingers. Women are more likely than men to have Raynaud's disease, also known as Raynaud or Raynaud's phenomenon or syndrome. can lead to Raynaud's phenomenon. Raynaud's phenomenon can occur with diseases that affect arteries, If you have Raynaud's, guard your hands and feet from injury. Cold temperatures or stress can cause parts of your body, mainly fingers and toes, to numb, chill and possibly turn colors if you have Raynaud's disease. Do you have Raynaud's Syndrome? HAVE ARTHRITIS OR RAYNAUDS SYNDROME? Raynaud's phenomenon occurs when the extremities of the body, usually the fingers and toes, change colour and may become painful. It is due to a narrowing (constriction) of the small blood vessels on exposure to the cold, or to a change in temperature, or to emotional stress. In most cases, the cause is not known. Aug 11, 2015Are Your Hands Almost Always Cold? You Might Have Raynaud's Syndrome. You Might Have Raynaud's Syndrome. NEWS How do I know if I have Raynaud phenomenon? An attack of Raynaud phenomenon is triggered by exposure to cold, such as going out into a cold wind or immersing the